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RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

sandhursr diocese coat of arms 250pxWe have several diocesan guidelines to help you prepare liturgies well.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

“The celebration of the rite of election which usually coincides with the opening of Lent, also marks the beginning of the period of final, more intense preparation for the sacraments of initiation, during which the elect will be encouraged to follow Christ with greater generosity.” Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults #105

 “This step is called election because the acceptance made by the Church is founded on the election by God, in whose name the Church acts.” RCIA #106

Click on the following links to download:
pdf pdf Policy: Christian Initiation of Children who have reached Catechetical Age (370 KB) pdf
icon  Liturgy for Rite of Election (1st Sunday of Lent)