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Thursday, 11 April 2024 12:53

“Ready to Launch House” Wangaratta blessed by Bishop Shane


The ‘Ready to Launch House’ in Wangaratta, operated by for-purpose disability and aged-care organisation Villa Maria Catholic Homes (VMCH), provides a safe and supportive environment for young people with disability who wish to move out of their family home for the first time. At the House, residents learn life skills and prepare for independent living with real-life practical experiences. It’s the first service offering of its kind for VMCH and fills a vital need in the Wangaratta area.

The house opened its doors to young people earlier this year and was officially blessed by Bishop Shane Mackinlay on Monday 8 April. Monsignor Cris Manongas, Pastoral Leader of Wangaratta South Parish, and VMCH Board members from across the state were in attendance as well as ‘Ready to Launch House’ residents and their families.

Monsignor Cris said he was very impressed with the “Ready To Launch House” and its residents. “I enjoyed a good chat with Dan, one of the residents. I was delighted with the way he expressed his hopes for his future which looks very promising,” he said. “Dan was great, guiding us around the rooms as Bishop Shane blessed the house.”

“I’m glad such a place exists; it gives witness to our faith and meets the needs of people in our area.”

Mons. Cris was speaking with Daniel Boschetti, aged 20, who currently lives in the house full-time. Housemates can stay for as little or as long as they wish until they feel ready to move on. Daniel says learning skills like budgeting, household tasks, cooking and laundry are boosting his confidence to move out on his own.

“I have learnt to be more careful with buying things, trying to reduce food wastage and everything that my money needs to cover each week,” Daniel says. “I would like to get a better paying job, find a home in town or just out of town within my budget, then move in. I'm also working hard to get my P Plates."

He admits his favourite part of living at Ready to Launch is “uninterrupted sleep”, away from his three younger sisters.

Above: Resident, Daniel Boschetti

Josh 450

Above: Resident, Josh West. 

His housemate Josh West, aged 30, stays every Thursday and some weekends. Josh also aspires to live independently one day.

“It’s been good learning new things. And I like spending time with the staff and Dan.”

Budgeting has also been an important learning curve for Josh. “I’m shocking with money but I’m trying to save for a laptop!”

VMCH Ready to Launch Team Leader, Kelsey Bowman says Josh has come a long way in a short period of time.

"He takes pride in his bedroom, showing consideration to other residents. Josh enjoys socialising and cooking his evening meal. In the future I’d like to see Josh continue to make progress and have the skills and confidence to move out of his family home and into his own home in town.”

Kelsey says Dan has already acquired most of the skills needed to live independently.

“My hope for Dan in the future is for him to gain employment where he feels valued, for him to get his Driver’s Licence and find a home that feels like home to him.”

VMCH Chief Mission Officer, Bridget O’Shannassy described the blessing as a “special day”.

“The local team went to so much effort, offering us all wonderful hospitality. It was exciting to see all the great things VMCH is achieving in Wangaratta, impacting many lives positively.”

Ready to Launch House is part of an expanding suite of VMCH Disability Services across the Hume region, all geared to help people with disability find and sustain meaningful employment, build life and job skills and live independently.


 Image 1: (L-R) Chief Operating Officer David Williamson, General Manager Disability Services Daniel Carter, Ready to Launch Team Leader Kelsey Bowman, Cre8ive Programs Team Leader John Salafia, Community Connections Manager Kerry Brice, Manager Social Enterprise Chris Coughlan, Senior Manager Group Programs and Employment Harley Dalgleish, Bishop Shane MackKinlay, Monsignor Cris Manongas, Green Team Coordinator Peter Lyons, Team Leader Ellyn O’Brien, VMCH CEO Sonya Smart, VMCH Board Chairman Julien O’Connell AO, Ready to Launch resident Daniel Boschetti.