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Wednesday, 28 April 2021 14:52

Good Shepherd Sunday

It is my encounter with Jesus the good shepherd and his people that keeps me going in my vocation.”

Dominic Mantad at St Patrick's, Wangaratta,


I am looking forward to serving God's people as a priest in parishes across the Diocese, and look forward to continuing to get to know you all more." 

Jackson Saunders at St Mary’s, Echuca.

 "The joy in my response to God's call to live and serve the other is not contingnet to anyone's reaction. This decision is made not to last for a moment and to impress peoplke, but for the greater glory of God." 

Adonis Peña


"So how did I end up a seminarian in the Diocese of Sandhurst last year? Like this feeling that gnaws on you unless you take a chance and follow God’s calling, you will not be at peace or experience true and authentic joy, I realised it still goes on. Being in the seminary does not end the discernment, it is just one piece of the puzzle. Afforded the time to discern am I called to the diocesan priesthood afforded me the chance to keep dot just what and who God is calling me to, but where and why?...
Bishop Mackinlay and other representatives of the Church discerned with me if this was God’s calling. You are not left to your own in this...

My experience of being in Corpus Christ has been a privilege and blessing. It is a house of ongoing discernment, where we grow in knowledge and appreciation of priestly life, of our very selves and the potential affirmation of the two in confirming being called to the priesthood,"

Ezekiel Hangan, at St Kilian’s, Bendigo.