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Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This is the message of the beatitudes in today's gospel.  Jesus' definition of happiness is so radical.  It is only when our hearts beat with the same rhythm as the heart of our God that we discover the purpose of our life.  It is only when we live with the same conviction and values of our God that we become powerful witnesses in helping others reach their full potential.  St Augustine understood this reality very well when in his book "The Confessions" he wrote, "You have made us for yourself O Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in you".

I can safely say that this is also our mission as a diocese.  From the very beginning of its existence this diocese has tried to be faithful to the wishes of our God.  This has been achieved through the life and example of so many.  Today I would like to dwell a little bit on the contribution of the Augustinian Fathers.  This is a time to remember, to give gratitude and to look to the future.

The Augustinians have been an integral part of the life of the Diocese of Sandhurst. Fr Martin Crane OSA became the first bishop of the Diocese in 1875, while Fr Stephen Reville, OSA was appointed as the second bishop of Sandhurst in 1901.  The first Augustinian priory in Australia was founded here in Echuca in 1886.  The Augustinians also helped to start the parishes of Rochester and Kyabram in 1889 and 1903 respectively.  In 1955, the Novitiate for the Augustinian Order was moved to Rochester, where Fr Brian Fitzpatrick was the first Augustinian whose ordination took place in Australia precisely in this parish of Echuca.  Moreover the First National Augustinian Lay Congress was also held in this parish of St Mary's Echuca in April 2001.

The Diocese of Sandhurst owes a lot of gratitude to our Augustinian brothers.  Over the years they have manifested commitment, generosity and love for the people as the church and for the priesthood.  They have nurtured our people with care and constantly encouraged and invited all to live according to the teachings and principles of Jesus Christ.  It is then understandable that the emblem of the Augustinian Order is a flowing heart pierced by an arrow on the background of an open book.  This emblem was inspired by two texts taken from "The Confessions" written by their founder, St Augustine.  In the first text Augustine writes, "With the arrow of your charity you had pierced our hearts, and we bore your words within us like a sword penetrating us to the core."  The second text says, "Let us walk becomingly as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in debauchery and wantonness, not in strife and jealousy, but put on Jesus Christ."  Thank you for trying to be faithful to these ideals.  Thank you for being at the service of our people in this parish.  Thank you for your faithfulness over these one hundred and eighteen years in this parish.

I am sure that today as we bid farewell to our Augustinian brothers from this parish our hearts are filled with mixed emotions.  Mine surely is.  There are some of us who are pensive.  Others may be anxious about what the future holds.  There would be some who would be feeling sad as they recall all those happy times in the company of the Augustinian fathers in this parish over so many years.  While all this is understandable, there is also in our hearts a feeling of expectation and hope because we know that this day also marks another way forward in God's mysterious dealings with all of us in the Diocese of Sandhurst.  Over the past few days, I have reflected on the words of Paul that we find in 1 Cor 3:6, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth."

Yes this parish has been well planted.  Over the years this parish has been well seeped and soundly founded in the life and example of Jesus Christ.  So many have found consolation and relief here.  So many have celebrated the most precious moments and those of their loved ones here in this parish.  So much consolation has been given to the sick, the lonely, the depressed.  There has been so much laughter, lengthy debate, lots of fun.  Yes, Christian life has been celebrated well over the years.  It is now time for the watering to continue by the Diocese of Sandhurst.  It is time now that the community of St Mary's Echuca will be gathered and guided by another gentle pastor whose faith and love for people is so evident.  The Diocese continues this ministry knowing full well that God is here and because of this the life of the parish will continue to deepen, to grow, to embrace and to heal.  The heart of Augustine will definitely continue to beat with life and love for this community in the care of Fr Matt.  Let us continue our mission with confidence, passion and enthusiasm.

God bless.