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"Contemplate the face of Christ" DVD released

yog dvd-cover-350pxThe DVD lasts a little over 30 minutes. It consists of 32 images sourced from Australia and, as you will see from a small selection of them reproduced here, they are in a variety of forms – paintings, drawings, icons, Indigenous images, stained glass, statues, etc. Each image is on the screen for about 50 seconds, accompanied by a quiet, meditative soundtrack. The images can be viewed either on their own, or accompanied by a short text from the New Testament.

A complimentary copy of the DVD is being sent to every parish in the country, and to the Year of Grace coordinator in every diocese. To read more about the DVD, including acknowledgement of the artists, and for more information about how the DVD may be used or to order the DVD ($10 a copy, and this includes handling and postage within Australia), visit the official website by clicking here.