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Parish Electronic Planned Giving

Support Your Parish

During this period of time where Masses in the diocese are suspended, parishes are going to need the financial support of parishioners more than ever as their overhead costs will not change. As the vast majority of parishioners give physically to their parish in the first and second collection baskets during Mass, we are encouraging all parishioners to join the electronic parish planned giving program.

Many parishioners are well versed these days on phone and internet banking and would prefer to set up their own recurring payment to the parish planned giving program via their phone/internet banking account. If this sounds like you, click on the button below and type in your Parish Suburb in the search box below to find your parish’s bank account details. Otherwise, click here to submit your details to the Diocesan Development Fund so that they can setup the payment for you.


How is parish planned giving used?

A parish is dependent on the generosity of its parishioners to sustain itself and its many charitable and pastoral works. Generally, this support is through two collections at each Sunday Mass. These funds go towards the many costs of running a parish and supporting the mission of the Church, which include:

  • Priest’s Monthly Stipend
  • Health Insurance
  • Superannuation contribution
  • Parish Operating Costs
  • Church Building Debt
  • Car Expenses
  • Parish Programs
  • Parish Staff
  • Diocesan Programs
  • Diocesan Levy

Please join electronic parish planned giving and help support your parish financially during this time when Mass is suspended.
