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Online Prayer

The following sites offer regular opportunities for being actively led through prayer forms adapted from the Church’s great spiritual traditions. The experience of being led through prayer, for about 10-15 minutes a day, using a computer or downloaded files, is increasingly popular.  You may read, listen to Scripture, music or guided reflection and gaze at inspirational or calming images, while sitting in front of a computer, or listen to downloaded MP3 or WMA files while travelling.

PRAY AS YOU GO    Click to visit
Produced by Jesuit Media Initiatives (UK), this site offers you daily prayer for listening at the computer, or via MP3 or WMA.  The Church’s Scripture Readings for each day are the basis for prayer and reflection which also includes quiet time, supported by peaceful traditional or contemporary music.  Also provided are; Prayer exercises to help prepare for the day, a four minute breathing exercise and body exercises to assist calm and readiness for prayer and an eight minute prayerful review at the end of the day.

PRAY ONLINE        Click to visit
This site offers a variety of options for prayer, based on the Scripture readings for each day onscreen, and available for MP3, podcast. The site provides prayer for adults, plus prayer links for use with children in schools.

SACRED SPACE        Click to visit
Produced by the Irish Jesuits, this site invites you to “make a 'Sacred Space' in your day, and spend ten minutes, praying here and now, as you sit at your computer, with the help of on-screen guidance and scripture chosen specially every day.” Beautiful photographic images accompany a gentle progression from one part of the prayer to another.

TAIZE            Click to visit
For decades, the ecumenical French Taize Christian community has drawn thousands of people, especially young adults, from all around the world to join in prayer and catechesis. Taize chants for Christian prayer are also well known.  ‘Taize’ prayer groups are continually active in many parts of the world.
The ‘Prayer and Song’ link on the Taize home page, English language link, provides resources for prayer, including MP3,  podcasts and reflections on topics such as; preparing a time of prayer, preparing a welcoming space for meditative prayer, meditative singing, the value of silence, icons in worship.

Creighton University Online Ministries     Click to visit
Resources attached to this site, drawn from the Ignatian tradition. Include daily reflections and prayer guides, online retreats, resources and information for prayer, and much more.

Ignatian Spirituality – Resources from Loyola Press Click to visit

The World Community of Christian Meditation    Click to visit   Website for a worldwide community of people committed to a form of meditation which owes much to the Benedictine traditions. Fr John Main and Fr Laurence Freeman are well known teachers of meditation in this tradition.

Christian Meditation Australia Click to visit Australian website for the community committed to meditation, which draws upon Benedictine traditions. Well known teachers include; Fr John Main and Fr Laurence Freeman and others.